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Integrity Testing Service
Receive an email notification every morning that your Sage 300 databases have been copied to a secure cloud facility, where they have been restored and checked for Sage 300 integrity.
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Integrity Testing Service
What Makes This Service Different?
•  Your data is actually restored in an off-site environment! You are not left wondering whether or not your off-site copy can be restored when you really need it.
•  Your restored data is checked for Sage 300 integrity! Detecting data integrity issues early avoids expensive data repairs.
•  Multiple copies of your Sage 300 databases are retained and cycled automatically. Each copy is a total backup, not part of an error-prone incremental backup scheme.
•  The data transfers accommodate poor quality connections. The software is designed to recover from dropped connections, such as those that operate through satellites.
How Much Does The Integrity Testing Service Cost?
Monthly changes are based on total database size: $299 for the first 20Gb and $100 for each additional 20Gb.
Find Out More!
Contact your Sage 300 Reseller or email sales@tairox.com. The service is provided under the terms of a Service Level Agreement.