Automate Recurring Entries
Available for $1,195 + $300 per year, Automate Recurring Entries automates Sage 300 G/L Recurring Entries, A/R Recurring Charges and A/P Recurring Payables operations
for any number of companies in a single operation. Any number of Sage 300 G/L, A/R and A/P recurring entry
operations will be performed in each company, as set up using the standard Sage 300 application.
The resulting batches can optionally be posted.
The program is designed to run as an unattended Windows Scheduled Task, as well as from a user interface.
*New* Support is added for Sage 300 2025.
*New* Support for the Advanced Complex Passwords.
Sample Log:
Features and Benefits
• | Updates multiple companies in a single operation. |
• | Updates multiple recurring entries in multiple modules in a single operation. |
• | Optionally posts resulting batches. |
• | This product uses Sage 300 business objects to insure proper multi-user operation. |
Platform Requirements
• | Sage 300 2012 to 2025: A single executable program works with these platforms. |
• | .NET Framework 4.6.2 or higher is required. |
• | Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x86) - 14.0.23026 or higher is required. |
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Detailed Platform Requirements |