Build 2023-10-09 - Support is added for Sage 300 2024. - Integrity checking error messages are improved to display user-facing numbers, rather than "uniquifiers". Build 2023-09-11 - When using Fast Data Integrity, a check has been added that the sum of the General Ledger posted transaction detail functional amounts net to zero. Build 2023-06-14 - Support is added for Sage 300 2023.2 and 2023.3. Build 2023-05-30 - Improved error messages when editing settings. Build 2023-05-17 - Improved Licenses UI handling of blank fields. - User Guide is updated. Build 2022-10-01 - Compatible with path names on an FTP server that are in UNIV Format. Build 2022-09-19 - Support is added for Sage 300 2023. Build 2022-05-04 - Adds Checks for Productivity Tools Enterprise Copy G/L Account Setup tables. Build 2022-03-15 - Support for the Advanced Complex Passwords feature added in Sage 300 2022 PU2. Build 2022-01-19 - The TaiRox Licensing screen has additional diagnostic checks, e.g. license is for a different TaiRox product. - Email Notification defaults have changed. SMTP credentials must now be entered. Build 2021-10-21 - Additional checks are made for TaiRox CRM and Collections. Build 2021-08-11 - Support is added for Sage 300 2022. Build 2021-06-21 - Fast Data Integrity Changes for SOX Backup Enterprise: - Added checks for Project and Job Costing 66A, 67A, 68A, 69A. - Added checks for AR Optional Fields. Build 2021-04-21 Build 2021-04-09 - Fast Data Integrity Changes for SOX Backup Enterprise: - Fixed pricelist cost/margin base test for non-stock items that could incorrectly report a Cost/Margin Base that was not Markup Cost. - Added tests for PM 6.8A (Sage 300 2021). - Added tests for Orchid RMA 6.8A (Sage 300 2021). - Added tests for sales splits to OE transactions. - Improved error messages when reporting G/L account errors in BK, IC. - Improved error messages when reporting A/R Customer and A/R Customer Ship-To pricelist errors. Build 2021-03-15 - Correctly checks orders and purchase orders that have non-stock items at blank locations. Build 2020-11-05 - When running fast integrity checks, a new feature has been added to check that the Activity Switch in the G/L Fiscal Set record is set appropriately based on any activity that have occurred for an account. If the Activity Switch is not set correctly an account will not appear on the G/L Trial Balance. Build 2020-10-28 - When running fast integrity checks, catches an exception that can be thrown by bank checking in some configurations. Build 2020-09-21 - Support is added for Sage 300 2021. Build 2020-08-07 - Improvements are made in the way data integrity is checked for TaiRox CRM Opportunities linked to Orders. Build 2020-07-07 - Support is added for Inventory Control checks when Technisoft Service Manager is installed and modifies I/C tables. Build 2020-05-14 - Displays a message when a user who is not an administrator tries to create a scheduled task. Build 2020-05-06 - Improved error diagnostics for TaiRox CRM and Collections (more detail for bad link messages). - Report the number of errors to the Sage data integrity checker. Build 2020-04-13 Build 2020-04-10 - Fixes a false positive error report that can occur for ICILOC Quantity Committed in some environments. When using SOX Backup Enterprise and check with Fast Data Integrity. Build 2020-03-19 - Allow email distribution lists to be split by blank, semicolon and comma. Status displayed is SUCCESS, not FAIL in subject line when retrying send of emails. Build 2020-01-24 - SOX Backup Enterprise now fast-checks RMA up to RMA 2020. Build 2020-01-10 - SOX Backup Enterprise provides support for Sage 300 2020.1 multiple contacts (fast data integrity checking). Build 2019-09-25 - Improved handling of SSL email testing reports non-SSL connection results when SSL connection fails. Build 2019-08-07 - Support provided for Sage 300 2020. - Improved compatibility when running on Windows 10. Build 2019-06-13 - Provides support for Office 365 communication on port 587 when emailing notifications. Build 2019-06-13 - Provides support for Office 365 communication on port 587 when emailing notifications. Build 2019-05-27 - Fixes index outside bounds problem when integrity checking document detail counts in a corrupt database. - License Information and About screens display more information to assist with activation codes. Build 2019-05-03 - Support added for TaiRox CRM and TaiRox Productivity Tools. Build 2019-04-30 - Support for Sage 300 2019 PU2. - On a Fast DBLoad, the primary index is made clustered if no other index is clustered. This conforms to Sage 300 DBLoad behaviour. Build 2018-12-11 - Documentation update and minor screen adjustments. Build 2018-10-25 - After a failed FTP/SFTP/FTPS connection test, a dialog will appear asking if you wish to see the diagnostic log. Build 2018-10-18 - When you perform an FTP connection test a diagnostic log is generated. Build 2018-09-25 - Fix issue with SFTP libary running on older versions of Windows Server. Build 2018-08-31 - Support provided for the SFTP protocol. Build 2018-08-25 - Support for Sage 300 2019. Build 2018-08-05 - Fixes issue with an SDK third party product creating a table named ORDER (no 2 letter prefix). Build 2018-06-06 - Avoids backing up folders AdvisorLogs, and userMgtLogs, which can be open, blocking backup, even with no open files. Build 2018-05-25 - Corrects the retry strategy after failure, the issue introduced with FTPS support. Build 2018-05-16 - SOX Backup programs will now recover when an XML file has been corrupted by manual edits. Build 2018-04-19 - Support for FTPS is added. Build 2018-04-04 - Improved detection of A/P tax errors: eliminate false error messages that could arise in some setups. Build 2017-12-08 - Email notification for new installs now defaults to OFF. - No email will be sent to, a fictitious email address not intended for real use. Build 2017-10-10 - Improved sizing of forms. Build 2017-08-23 - Support provided for Sage 300 2018. Build 2017-06-05 - Improved detection of orphans in A/R and A/P batches. Build 2017-03-30 - Updated Fast Data Integrity Checks to correctly check the Item Location quantity on sales order versus the total quantity outstanding on sales orders ... when checking kit components. Build 2017-03-27 - Integrity log files will now be kept for a number of days and then deleted. The number of days is controlled by a setting. - When SOX Backup Enterprise use Fast Data Integrity, checks will be made for required optional fields with no values. Checks are made for: GL: Accounts, Account Transactions, Recurring Entries AR: Customer Groups, National Accounts, Customers, Customer Ship-To Locations, Recurring Charges (header & details) AP: Vendor Groups, Vendors, Vendor Remit-To Locations, Recurring Payables (header & details) IC: Items, Item Serial Numbers, Item Lot Numbers, Reorder Quantities OE: Miscellaneous Charges PO: Additional Costs CP/UP: Earnings/Deductions, Income Taxes, Employees, Employee Earnings/Deductions, Employee Taxes Build 2017-02-15 - When SOX Backup Enterprise use Fast Data Integrity, improvements: - Add AR & AP invoice batch checks that the number of detail lines matches number in the header. - Fixed a bug in the handling of split tables (where the Sage 300 business view sits on top of two SQL Server tables). The bug would cause the program to hang if it was checking only recent years of data. Improved error checking for main PO transaction tables when checking only recent years of data. Build 2017-02-09 - When SOX Backup Enterprise use Fast Data Integrity, checking G/L Account Segments no longer reports (false) errors for unvalidated segments. Build 2017-01-13 - Uses 64-bit compression engine when on a 64-bit O/S. Eliminates failures for large, non-Sage 300 SQL Server databases with certain byte distributions that are backed up using SQL Server backup programs and included in the SOX Backup archives. Build 2016-12-19 - Add integration with Task Scheduler: create a basic task, launch Task Scheduler. - Add more diagnostic information to log files. - Improved testing engine. Build 2016-11-23 - Updated Fast Data Integrity component to extend and improve tests. Build 2016-11-15 - Updated Fast Data Integrity component to allow exclusion of older shipment details. - Fix issues with G/L Account security testing from build 2016-10-25. Build 2016-11-03 - Monitor defaults now to http rather than https connection. Build 2016-10-30 - Fix issue when encounter long (greater than 260) character path names during clean up. Build 2016-10-25 - SOX Backup Enterprise, when Fast Data Integrity is selected, has these changes to functionality: - Checks that users exist in G/L Account Security. - Checks that users exist in Scheduling Recurring Transactions & Reminders. - Adds a checks for Vendor Type in ICITMV. - No longers treats ICIVAL as a detail of ICILOC, resulting in fewer orphans reported after clear history. - Fix: Item quantities on order (purchase order) are now calculated correctly and compared to ICILOC values. Build 2016-08-25 - Support for Fast Data Integrity checking 2017 data. - The log now writes the archive path at the front of the log file. - The email subject line now reflects the "archive date" - start date instead of end date of job. Build 2016-08-01 - This version supports Sage 300 2017. - SOX Backup Enterprise running Fast Data Integrity will now check for orphans in refund tables. - The Backup operations will use today's date for the folder name, even when there are no current archives. Build 2016-07-19 - SOX Backup Enterprise will now load a Sage 300 dataset into a Sage 300 database with a different name. The "orgids" stored in 2 database tables will be correctly updated. - A scheduled restore operation will use yesterday's archive if today's is not available. This facilitates a backup job running at 11:30pm and a restore job running at 1:00am. - Two "Task Scheduler" import files are provided to assist consultants with setup. To use, fire up the Windows Task Scheduler, click on Action, Import Task (location on menu may vary). - TaiRox license files are put in the (hidden) Windows folder Program Data. This means SOX Backup can be uninstalled and a new version installed without needing to rekey license info. Build 2016-06-14 - When Fast Data Integrity is used, additional checks are made in Purchase Orders PO Invoices: check if all receipts referenced by the invoice exist. PO Receipts: check if all POs referenced by the receipt exist. PO Purchase Orders: check if all referenced requisitions exist. Build 2016-05-25 - An option has been added, when downloading compressed databases from an FTP site, to retain the databases in the daily archives in compressed form, saving disk space. The option to retain in DBDump format remains as the default setting. If the archives use compressed format, there is an Archives menu so that they can be decompressed. - The User Guide has been updated to more clearly call out that SQL Server credentials are per database - since databases can be in different instances of SQl Server. - When Fast Data Integrity is used to check databases: An error (exception) is fixed when checkingreceipt line lotted item counts. Quantity conversion calculations now round correctly when checking ICILOC Quantity on Sales Order, ICILOC Quantity Committed, and ICILOC Quantity on Purchase Order Build 2016-01-15 - SOX Backup Enterprise will now do a Fast check of UP and CP (US and Canadian payroll). Build 2015-11-23 - Missing Accounts Payable 6.3 XML files now included. Build 2015-10-19 - Support provided for Sage 300 2016. Build 2015-08-11 - Better error handling when there is insufficient Windows rights to access the TaiRox license file. - Updated documentation on SQL Server backups to explain File Device and File Path. Build 2015-04-20 - Updated User Guides. Build 2015-01-22 - Rebuild so that Enterprise can take advantage of Fast Data Integrity improvements (addition UOM check, timeout adjustments). Build 2014-12-15 - Improved error handling and messages. Build 2014-11-13 - Sort directory listings retrieved from servers to handle non-Windows NAS devices. - Remove read-only attributes in archived files, so archive can be deleted automatically. Build 2014-08-03 - Adjusted SQL Server "statement timeout" so very long backup and restore operations using SMO can complete. Build 2014-07-07 - Changed status from FAILURE to NOTES when re-try fixes problem (log on to Sage 300, sending email) Build 2014-06-17 - Backoff implemented in signon - allows start-up time when computer starts off asleep. - Improved labels for Fast Data Integrity check error messages. Build 2014-05-16 - Updated Fast Data Integrity components. Build 2014-03-26 - Support for Sage 300 ERP 2014 Build 2014-01-31 - SOX Backup Enterprise now provides Fast Data Integrity and Fast DBLoad functionality. - Improved mouse wheel support. Build 2013-06-24 - Running setup.exe will now check that .NET Framework 3.5 exists, which is a required pre-requisite. Build 2013-03-28 - For Accpac compatibility, allow "non-breaking-space" CHAR(160) to be part of a character column (don't trim). Build 2013-02-04 - Only check data integrity of company databases. Checking of system databases is implicit by the association to a company database. Build 2013-01-28 - (Enterprise) Check for DIC file before calling Fast DBLoad. Build 2012-11-30 - MAJOR NEW FEATURES - Data Integrity can be scheduled - DBLoad can be scheduled - Non-Accpac SQL Server databases can be included Build 2012-09-07 - Support for Sage 300 ERP 2012 Build 2011-03-10 - Improved subject line status message.