Build 2024-09-12 - Support is added for Sage 300 2025. Build 2023-04-08 - Support is added for Payroll 8.0. Build 2023-10-07 - Support is added for Sage 300 2024. Build 2023-06-14 - Support is added for Sage 300 2023.2 and 2023.3. Build 2023-05-17 - Improved Licenses UI handling of blank fields. - User Guide is updated. Build 2022-09-19 - Support is added for Sage 300 2023. Build 2022-03-21 Build 2022-03-15 - Support for the Advanced Complex Passwords feature added in Sage 300 2022 PU2. Build 2022-01-10 - The TaiRox Licensing screen has additional diagnostic checks, e.g. license is for a different TaiRox product. Build 2021-08-11 - Support is added for Sage 300 2022. Build 2021-03-09 - Support is added for installation on the Sage Partner Portal. Build 2020-12-24 - Support is added for Sage 300 2020 PU4 and Sage 2021 PU1 which added fields to the AP 1099/CPRS codes. Build 2020-09-21 - Support is added for Sage 300 2021. Build 2020-05-12 - Support is added for 2020 versions of Orchid EFT, Bin Tracking, Inter-Entity and RMA. Build 2020-04-14 - Sets the path variable to the proper folder when it is incorrectly set. Build 2020-01-16 - Recover smoothly when the Default Value field in an optional field has not been set. Build 2020-01-07 - Better error recovery when CSAPP table is corrupt. - Support for Orchid RA added. Build 2019-12-19 - Support for Sage 300 2020.1 is provided. Multiple contacts will be copied if active in both source and target companies. Build 2019-11-20 - Allow Common Services to copy optional fields of type Number (e.g. changing number of decimal places). Build 2019-09-30 - Fix issue that G/L account code delimeters are not copied across when they have been set to something different in the target company. Build 2019-08-06 - US Payroll adjusted to accomodate inconsistency in Sage view UPTXMS. - Support provided for Sage 300 2020. Build 2019-05-24 - License Information and About screens display more information to assist with activation codes. Build 2019-03-08 - Support for 2019 versions of Orchid RMA, EFT Processing, Inter Entity Transactions, Bin Tracking. Build 2018-08-24 - Support for Sage 300 2019. Build 2018-06-20 (6745) - Support for current versions of Orchid RMA, EFT Processing, Inter Entity Transactions, Bin Tracking. - Support for current versions of Norming Asset Management. - Preliminary support for Sage 300 2019. Build 2018-05-08 - For Sage 300 versions 2016 and higher the Business Reg No field will be copied (A/P Vendors). Build 2017-05-26 - Support provided for Sage 300 2018. Build 2017-01-30 - Manual updated to describe copying when source and target companies have different currencies. Build 2017-01-13 - Improved errors messages when login to Sage 300 fails. Build 2016-11-23 - Support has been added for 2017 versions of Orchid Bin Tracking, EFT, Inter Entity, and RMA. Build 2016-10-11 - The drop-down lists used to select from- and to- companies now display in the same order as the Sage 300 start list. Build 2016-07-22 - This version supports Sage 300 2017. - License files are now put in a user-independent location: the (hidden) directory ProgramData. Build 2016-06-14 - Added message to warn users that Copy Company will only copy entities that pass data integrity checks. - Added message to alert users when they are using an older version of Copy Company on a newer version of Sage 300. Build 2016-03-03 - Payroll: Fixed issue of not copying segment overrides in G/L Integration. Payroll: Fixed issue of not being able to copy earnings and deductions because of Attributes problems in views. Build 2016-01-29 - Support provided for Orchid 2016 products. Build 2015-10-16 - Support provided for Sage 300 2016. Build 2015-05-14 - Many more "chicken and egg" situations in CP and UP are handled. Build 2014-12-10 - G/L Integration Settings now copies "Options entries" presented in the G/L Integration Settings UIs. Build 2014-11-06 - Norming Asset Management support has been added. Build 2014-04-10 - Symptom: GL Options report does not show some values in the new target company. - Issue: The COMPANYID column should not have been copied to the target company. - Status: Fixed in this build. Build 2014-03-24 - Support for Sage 300 ERP 2014 - Support added for Orchid EFT Processing Build 2013-10-29 - Detects insufficient Lanpaks and other conditions that cause a session signon failure. Build 2013-10-10 - Fix for installations using UNC paths. - Add support for Project and Job Costing and RMA - Add support for Orchid Bin Tracking and Orchid Inter Entity Transactions - Add support for TaiRox Productivity Tools (multiple contacts per customer/vendor) Build 2013-06-06 - Added support for Sage 300 ERP 2012 US and Canadian Payroll (Version 7.0A) Build 2013-05-16 - A/R Comment Types are now copied. - I/C Masks are now copied before the I/C Options record which contains Serial and Lot mask defaults. Build 2013-05-14 - No program change, manual updated to Windows 7 screen shots, improved payroll wording. Build 2013-04-02 - Updated to handle server names using FQDN (fully qualified domain names). Build 2013-03-01 - Added Select All, Select None buttons. Build 2013-02-25 - Added an ability to copy to companies with posted transactions, after warning message. - Copy G/L Integration Settings now possible with the above change. Build 2013-02-01 - Fixed an issue where an invalid database specification in Accpac database setup would cause companies following not to be loaded. Build 2012-12-20 - Increase stability - interface to COM API using .NET marshalling - Increase stability - trap memory protection violations in Accpac objects - Fix issues related to Inventory BOMs Build 2012-09-07 - Support for Sage 300 ERP 2012 Build 2012-05-14 - Fixed a problem where G/L Account Permissions could not be copied correctly. Build 2012-05-08 - changed the order in which fields are copied to G/L Recurring Entry details so that functional amount fields are copied after source amount fields which ensures the functional amount fields are not calculated, and the entry will balance. Build 2012-04-28 - Demo mode added. Build 2011-08-02 - Minor compatibility bugs fixed. Build 2011-08-02 - Extended options to include copying Contract Pricing (or not). Build 2011-07-21 - Corrected payroll linked earnings and deductions problems - Work-around for payroll integrity protocol non-conformities Build 2011-06-27 - Fixed ordering problems with optional fields for multi-line recurring payables Build 2011-04-20 - Provided support for US and Canadian payroll - Fixed GL Integration Transactions issue Build 2011-03-02 - Relaxed restrictions allows partial copies - Change functional currency recipe Build 2011-01-26 - Support added for Accpac 6.0 Build 2010-12-10 - Larger, sizable interface window. - Improved Windows 7 security defaults. Build 2010-09-20 - Support added for Windows 7 64-bit. Build 2010-09-08 - Support for IC, OE, PO.